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CCG Rec Team

Interested in more of a Team commitment without the big fees? CCG would like to introduce our new program, our Recreational Gymnastics Team! Be a part of something truly special! 


  • Train 1x a week for 2 Hours 

  • Practice Day/Time: Tuesdays 6-8pm 


Rec Team is NOW open for Registration, beginning Tuesday, March 4th. No tryouts needed! You can come from our Beginning or Advanced class or right from the start! 


 Register Here: 


What does Rec Team entail?

Rec Team is for kids wanting more time in the gym with more of a challenge to learn new skills and routines. This is a great stepping stone to take your gymnastics to the next level! Athletes get more event time and more skill focus than just a regular class. 


Does the Rec Team compete?

Our Rec Team will have 4 in house competitions between August-March with an end of season awards ceremony honoring our athletes. These competitions are to showcase their skills and routines in the gym! It’s a competition feel without the competition stress. 


What does it cost?

Our Rec Team has a $25 commitment fee due at sign up that will go towards our competition awards and ceremony awards for the athletes. Tuition is $160 for the month, which is cheaper than two 1 hour classes. Come May 1st, there will be a $50 team tank Leo fee for competitions.  


My daughter loves her class teachers will any class teachers be on this program?

YES! Our amazing rec director will be running this program; so there will be familiar staff faces with this transition! 

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